That’s right!!
Mistie May Studios is moving out of Oklahoma!
We will be moving to New Port News Virginia in 2010!
Why you might be wondering...
I shall tell you!!
First of all I want to thank all of my ladies and couples who have allowed me to photograph your wonderful faces!
You truely mean alot to me!
I am moving because
1) I have always wanted to live on the east coast and nows my chance.
2) My photography doesnt have much of a market here in this part of the country.
3) I want to bring forth some of my more alternative work which again isnt well recieved here.
I am not and never will be a family photographer,a child photographer,or a wedding photographer.
Its just not what I enjoy.
I enjoy making beautiful images of ladies and watching them feel good about themselves even if its just for that moment of their day.
I want to thank all of you for allowing me to photograph your gorgeous faces.I have truely enjoyed getting to know each of you.I can honestly say that I can call a few of you friends! Which in my book is always a plus!
Just know that you helped build the foundation of my company and for that thank you is just not enough!
I do have to come back to Oklahoma because my family is here.So I will try to have an event once a year when I come back home.But after I move I am not sure how long it will be before I can materialize such events.So now is the time get in and get your very own Mistie May images!
I will be gone in Feb & possibly a week or so in May.But other than that we are open to bookings!
I will have lots of themes & sales from now until we move!
Thank you again for letting me photograph you gorgeous dollfaces and I look forward to photographing many more of you before we head east!!!
Congratulations :) That's wonderful news and a great opportunity. Coming from another ex-Oklahoma-photographer, I totally understand the need to find a market that supports alternative photography. You have done an amazing job with the people you've photographed there. I'm happy that you're able to take things to the next level. Best wishes!