We are having alot of fun with this event.If your interested please feel free to contact me and get your session booked before oct flies off!
Also christmas is just around the corner!If you are wanting to give your man something truely special or give her something she will NEVER forget contact me about booking sessions.
My sessions are great for gifts or just a day to make yourself feel oh so special.They are also a way to get that special someone to drop their jaw and have their eye's pop outta their heads by your beauty.
I will have events for both Nov & Dec.The christmas theme will be Mrs. Clause & Snow Bunnies.
These sets are going to run 150.00's a piece.But if you wish to do both sets then I'll knock 50 bucks off the 2nd set which makes both themes only 250.00's! Thats a savings of 50 bucks! Talk about wow! Military discounts do apply to these sessions.The only sessions that it doesnt are my 50.00 sets.
Also come Jan 1st there will be several changes to my buisness structure.I am realizing the cost of providing such things as wardrobe,props,etc and so there will be some increases in price.Nothing huge though I promise.But be looking for those updates before the 1st of the year.
I also want to bring attention to some other forms of photography that I provide.I am getting known for my pin-up which is FREAKIN AWESOME!..I do so love what I do and pin-up is becoming a small obsession.I find it so wonderful to create something from the past and bring it into the modern time.To make it accessable to so many ladies.But I also do several other types of photography that I am going to start emplimenting.
For those who know me.I am a modeling photographer.Ive worked with models my whole career which is coming up on its 12th yr!Im so greatful for all the experiance that I have been blessed with.Not all of it was pleasent but it was valid.We all pay our dues and get drug through the mudd.If your a real photogapher that is just part of the process.Ive slept on hardwood floors,starved,shot in the snow without proper winter clothing.Photographed bands,created edgy sometimes gorey artwork.Raised some eyebrowns and made mothers cry(in a good way).Been published 3 times and under my old persona was semi-known world wide for my dark/horror work.Those who dont know me dont realize how much Ive actually done.I myself sit back and think to myself.."damn girl you've been so far and yet are just an artist who loves doing what you do."
Alot of people go into photography because they "think they want" to be a photographer.But honestly dont realize how painful the process is.If you want to be a TRUE photog then get ready to give up your sleep,sanity,and life.To be a REAL photographer means you eat,sleep,breath,& shit the buisness.Talent doesnt get you everywhere.I learned that one the hard way.
I dont create because I want to.I create because I have to.I have a motto I go by..
Live to create & create to live.Its how I live my life.There isnt a part of me that doesnt want to create something.So for what I do ..I do it all..
I normally create all the hair accessories for my shoots.I design and come up with all the themes.I style the hair & do the makeup (unless its a group thing then I hire out).I shoot everything myself plus all the editing.My work days when I buckle down to work are 12 to 16hr days.
So because of all this I want to offer alot of differant things in way of "girly" photography.
I want to start bringing in my fashion experiance & training.How would you like your very own fashion beauty shots?
How would you like to feel like the vogue model for a day?
I also would love to get back to my highly creative roots.I love dark gothic/horror photography and artwork.So if your an alternative soul who doesnt want fluff or sweet I'm your girl.Im not afraid of scary subject matter.
I also love doing just really beautiful images.So bring on the burlesque & the boudoir! The one thing that alot of women are worried about is that buleasque & boudoir require nudity.It so doesnt.Thats totally up to each and every subject on an individual level.If you just really beautifully sexy images for your special someone but dont wanna show all..No problem!
You would be amazed at how much clothing can make the eyes wonder.I want to start working with my clients on a personal level.I want your personalities and your natural beauty to shine through! Whats the point of an image of you if you cant see who you really are through it?
Also I would love to photograph more dancers.If your a dancer (more classical than exotic) & want portraits then contact me.When I say portraits I mean not your traditional sort of portraits.I see things grand and in magazine form.Im not afraid of locations or ideas (as long as spiders arent involved we are good seriously).
So below are the types of photogaphy I offer.You may not see all of it in my galleries on myspace or facebook but that doesnt mean Ive never done it.
Vintage Pin-up
Old Hollywood Glamour
Modeling/Acting porfolios
Promo Images (bands,performers)
Couples & Engagements
Bridal (I shoot more fashion mag than traditional.Im not really a traditional type of gal)
I have pricing structures for all styles.I am sorry but I'm not a family photographer or a wedding photogarpher.I have done both and just dont enjoy it.Im also not a childrens photographer.
Thank you to all my wonderful clients I've had this year.You have truely made my year alot happier since I had to start it out without my baby sister.I keep on creating in her memory.She was always my biggest fan and best model I ever had.
Each time I see one of my ladies leave a session with their head held high and truely happy.It reminds me of when I would photograph her beautiful face and the reaction to all the photos I did for her.
I am truely blessed to have such amazingly wonderful clients.I look forward to photographing all of you dollfaces more and I look forward to ALL of the new clients I will meet and get to photograph.Your smiles give me a wondeful light to my day!
That is all for now my loverlies!

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